The Open Road: My Life in Songs

As I traverse travel the winding roads of the West, my constant companion is music. The artistry of melodies and lyrics has woven themselves into my mind, body and soul; shaping my experiences and reflecting the myriad emotions of my journey. Behind the wheel, with the open road stretching ahead, I find solace and inspiration in the songs that accompany me.

In the quietude of dawn, as the Siskiyou Mountains loom majestically on the horizon, I am struck by introspection. What is it about certain songs that captivates me so deeply? What alchemy of melody and meaning transports me to the inner sanctum of the artist's soul? These ponderings led me to curate a playlist, a melodic memoir that encapsulates the chapters of my life thus far.

For a song to earn its place on this list, it must resonate with me on a profound level. It's not just about relatable lyrics but the synthesis of lyrics, beat, and pitch that creates an equalization of emotions. Each track is a brushstroke, painting a vivid picture of my experiences, strength and hope.

At the beginning of this melodic narrative lies Tom Petty's "Saving Grace," a timeless anthem of resilience and redemption. It's driving rhythm and heartfelt lyrics speak to the journey of self-discovery and renewal that echoes in my own life. Similarly, ELO's "Don't Bring Me Down" infuses me with a surge of empowerment and emboldens my own energetic force field. Both great choices for making that first entrance on to the highway, accelerating hard and kicking the car into high gear.

Next up, the haunting balladry of The Highwaymen's "Highwayman" echos deeply with my nomadic spirit and my connection to all that is spiritual and ghostly. The question that this always presents for me is, “Who was I before this life?”

Alice Cooper's "Poison" serves as a cautionary tale of the allure of temptations past. To me this song resonates deeply with my past relationship with alcohol and all that that time in my life embodied.

The harmonious collaboration of the Traveling Wilburys in "Handle with Care" taps into my raw emotional side. It brings to life my own emotions of the heart and how before I quit drinking I could never truly feel the feelings that this song brings up. Something about becoming a whole person really changed that.

*Fun Fact: The inspiration for this song was a shipping box that had a Handle with Care sticker on it. Very creative and you can learn more about it by watching the Traveling Wilburys Documentary on Youtube or if you're old fashioned, it comes with the CD set.

Venturing into darker realms, Ghoultown's "Drink with the Living Dead" beckon to my fascination with the macabre, ghostly tales as well as the dangers and thrills that excessive drinking allows for.

Ghoultown's "Mistress of the Dark" and Bowling for Soup's "Alexa Bliss" inject a dose of playful rebellion and mischief; bringing to life my own inner Super Hero and Mistress of the Dark.

The thunderous fervor of The White Stripes' "Conquest" ignites my spirit of conquest and dominance. This taps into my love of physical dominance that I enjoy sharing with desiring submissives from time to time.

Roy Orbison's "You Got It" serenades me with its timeless romance and ignites the fires in my heart to keep attracting whatever it is I am after in that moment and beyond.

And then there are those elusive songs, their names dancing just beyond the reach of memory, a testament to the ephemeral nature of existence, where some tunes linger forever in the recesses of the mind.

As the miles unfurl beneath my wheels, I find solace in the songs that shape my narrative, each note a testament to my existence. The highs and lows on the road along with the music forever remains my steadfast companion. As I journey onward, I eagerly anticipate the melodies yet to be discovered, knowing that each new song holds the potential to reignite the symphony of my own life.


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